Sheep, Chickens and Bees. Oh My!

Great Ideas November 30, 2022

It was at least 20 years ago that my father said we were no longer exchanging Christmas gifts. He was not being a Grinch, he just felt we have too much already. My Dad wanted us to give gifts that impacted lives in honor of one another; specifically in developing nations.  A new family tradition was born. INTENTIONAL GIVING has been central to our family Christmas celebrations ever since.

Goat & Cashmere

Great Ideas December 1, 2016


INTENTIONAL GIVING has been tradition in our family for over 20 years. It started with my father who felt gift giving at Christmas should be with purpose. He challenged all of us to use the season to consider intentional giving.  Our Christmas presents since have been purchased from a  World Vision Gift Catalogue enriching the lives of many. The spirit of Christmas can be found in each gift purchased through a variety non profit agencies working in developing countries.  In my blog Sheep, Chickens and Bees  I share how I have creatively wrap these special gifts.  The goat-themed gift basket  presented in this blog is another creative gift giving idea. I have built a theme around this meaningful intentional present that changes lives!

Honey Bees For Christmas

Great Ideas November 28, 2015

A rewarding and fun project this Christmas is giving a Gift with Purpose Themed Basket!  Intentional Giving is a very meaningful way of gifting. The Gift is built around a theme with the central item being purchased through an impact catalogue. Our family has sourced our Intentional Giving through the  World Vision Gift Catalogue. They provide over a hundred animals, items and services that you can donate to families in developing nations.


Great Ideas November 9, 2020

My love affair with France started over 20 years ago when I picked up my first Peter Mayle novel, Toujours Provence. I instantly was enamored with his stories of this enchanting region.


What I Love May 12, 2020

I have always savored the three-tiered layered tray with delicate crust-cut sandwiches, warmed scones with clotted cream and petit fours that make up the classic Afternoon Tea. It was utterly delightful to have just discovered the origin of this wonderful culinary offering.

Entwined With Vines

What I Love February 14, 2020

When I was in my twenties I traipsed around the world. My younger self embraced the opportunity to travel and document the work of a non profit. It was on these jaunts that I started to observe and absorb the nuances of culture in the regions we traversed.